

The variant type determines the kind of value that can be stored in a parameter.

Note: Only a subset of these types are fully supported and recommended for use: these are siString, siBool, siDouble, siFloat, siInt4, siInt2, siUInt4, siUInt2, siByte, and siUByte. (See DataTypes for more information).

C# Syntax

siVariantType.siEmpty                                                       // 0
siVariantType.siInt2                                                        // 2
siVariantType.siInt4                                                        // 3
siVariantType.siFloat                                                       // 4
siVariantType.siDouble                                                      // 5
siVariantType.siString                                                      // 8
siVariantType.siDispatch                                                    // 9
siVariantType.siBool                                                        // 11
siVariantType.siUnknown                                                     // 13
siVariantType.siByte                                                        // 16
siVariantType.siUByte                                                       // 17
siVariantType.siUInt2                                                       // 18
siVariantType.siUInt4                                                       // 19
siVariantType.siInt                                                         // 22
siVariantType.siUInt                                                        // 23
siVariantType.siWStr                                                        // 31

Constant Value Description
siEmpty 0 no type
siInt2 2 2 bytes signed integer number (-32768..32767)
siInt4 3 4 bytes signed integer number (-2147483648..2147483647) (See Long)
siFloat 4 Float: single precision real number (-3.402823466e+38F..3.402823466e+38F)
siDouble 5 Double: double precision real number (-1.7976931348623158e+308..1.7976931348623158e+308)
siString 8 Text represented as a BSTR. See String.
siDispatch 9 dispatch object. This is an object which exposes methods and properties to scripting. This is the variant type of all objects in the Object Model.
siBool 11 Boolean
siUnknown 13 Pointer to a COM object. This object cannot be manipulated from scripting and such an object is not normally exposed in the Object Model.
siByte 16 byte (-128..127)
siUByte 17 unsigned byte (0..255)
siUInt2 18 2 bytes unsigned integer number (0..65535)
siUInt4 19 4 bytes unsigned integer number (0..4294967295)
siInt 22 signed machine integer. This variant type is not supported, use siInt4 instead.
siUInt 23 unsigned machine integer. This variant type is not supported, use siUInt4 instead.
siWStr 31 Null-terminated wide character string. This variant type is rarely encountered because siString is the recommended representation for all Softimage strings.

Applies To

EditParameterDefinition SIAddCustomParameter ArgumentCollection.Add CustomProperty.AddParameter CustomProperty.AddParameter2 CustomProperty.AddParameter3 InputPort.Value Parameter.ValueType XSIFactory.CreateParamDef XSIFactory.CreateParamDef2 XSIUtils.GetVariantType

See Also

FCurve Parameter.AddFCurve Parameter.AddFCurve2 Parameter.Max Parameter.Min Parameter.SuggestedMax Parameter.SuggestedMin Preferences FCurve