

Determines the severity types of a message implemented in a scripting language. They can be combined.

C# Syntax

siSeverity.siFatal                                                          // 1
siSeverity.siError                                                          // 2
siSeverity.siWarning                                                        // 4
siSeverity.siInfo                                                           // 8
siSeverity.siVerbose                                                        // 16
siSeverity.siComment                                                        // 32

Constant Value Description
siFatal 1 Fatal error has occurred; possibly leading to an unstable system state. Displayed as Message Box and in History window.
siError 2 An error has occurred; possibly leading data loss. Displayed in History window and Status Bar.
siWarning 4 An error has occurred but is recoverable. Displayed in History window and Status Bar.
siInfo 8 Log an information message. Displayed in History window and Status Bar.
siVerbose 16 Log a diagnostic information message. Displayed in History window.
siComment 32 Log an information message without adding a prefix to describe its type

Applies To


See Also
