Static text is read-only text which appears directly on the property page. It is similar
to the label of a parameter but it is not associated with any parameter. It is
a useful control for adding basic documentation directly in the user interface.
Use line breaks in the text to force the text onto multiple lines
(e.g. vbCrLf on vbscript and "\n" in jscript).
Note: It is also still possible to read the text for a static control
from a value of a string parameter, by using siControlStatic.
(See siPPGControlType). However this method
is easier and more efficient because it does not require
any associated Parameter.
PPGItem PPGLayout.AddStaticText( String in_Text, Int32 in_opt_width, Int32 in_opt_Height ); |
oReturn = PPGLayout.AddStaticText( [Text], [Width], [Height] ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Text | String | The text to show on the static control. This can be changed afterwards by setting PPGItem.Label. |
Width | Long |
Width of the static text. If not specified to text will use the entire
width of the Property Page and will not word wrap even if it does not fit.
Default Value: 0 |
Height | Long |
Height of the text. If not specified it will be calculated based on
the number of lines of text.
Default Value: 0 |
/* This example places some text directly on the layout */ var oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "StaticTextDemo" ) ; oPSet.AddParameter3( "A", siDouble ) oPSet.AddParameter3( "B", siDouble ) oPSet.AddParameter3( "C", siDouble ) var oLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout oLayout.AddRow(); var text = "\nThis is some text \nthat goes beside the \nparameters." oLayout.AddStaticText( text ) oLayout.AddGroup() oLayout.AddItem( "A" ) oLayout.AddItem( "B" ) oLayout.AddItem( "C" ) oLayout.EndGroup() oLayout.EndRow(); InspectObj( oPSet ) ; |