



Returns a PropertyCollection containing the Property objects for all properties installed on the object. Currently only UserDataBlob and CustomProperty can be nested underneath a Material.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
PropertyCollection rtn = Material.Properties;


VBScript Example

' This example shows how to add a CustomProperty
' to a Material with Material.AddProperty
dim oCone, oMaterial, oMaterialPSet
NewScene ,false
set oCone = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
set oMaterial = oCone.AddMaterial( "Phong")
' Annotation is a specific CustomProperty that is shipped with Softimage
set oMaterialPSet = oMaterial.AddProperty( "Annotation",,"MaterialAnnotation" )
oMaterialPSet.Parameters("text").Value = "Annotation under a Material"
' You can access any CustomProperty under the Material using Material.Properties
Application.LogMessage "Contents of annotation: " & oCone.Material.Properties("MaterialAnnotation").Text.Value
'Expected Results:
'INFO : "Contents of annotation: Annotation under a Material"

See Also

SceneItem.Properties Material.AddProperty