
Related C++ Class: CFCurveKeyRefArray




A collection of FCurveKey objects that represent the keys in the FCurve. The FCurveKeyCollection object is accessed through the FCurve.Keys property. This collection is 0-based.

Keys in an FCurveKeyCollection are maintained in ascending order by parameter and duplicate key entries are disallowed. Also, an FCurveKeyCollection can only hold keys from the same fcurve so any attempt to add keys from another FCurve to an existing collection will fail.


Add AddItems Filter GetAsText
GetMaxKeyFrame GetMaxKeyValue GetMidKeyFrame GetMidKeyValue
GetMinKeyFrame GetMinKeyValue Remove RemoveAt


Count operator Item operator    


VBScript Example

set oCube = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface")
dim aValues
aValues = Array(0.00, 5.00, 1.00, 6.00, 2.00, 7.00, 3.00, 8.00, 4.00, 9.00, 5.00, 10.00)
set oFCurve = oCube.PosX.AddFCurve2( aValues)
' Write the fcurve keys
for each k in oFCurve.Keys
	LogMessage k.Name &" Value: " & k.Value
	LogMessage k.Name &" Locked: " & k.Locked
	LogMessage k.Name &" Left: " & k.Left
	LogMessage k.Name &" Right: " & k.Right
	LogMessage k.Name &" LeftTanX: " & k.LeftTanX
	LogMessage k.Name &" LeftTanY: " & k.LeftTanY
	LogMessage k.Name &" RightTanX: " & k.RightTanX
	LogMessage k.Name &" RightTanY: " & k.RightTanY
	LogMessage k.Name &" Interpolation: " & k.Interpolation
	LogMessage k.Name &" Flags: " & k.Flags

See Also

FCurve.Keys FCurve.GetKeysBetween FCurveEditor.SelectedKeys XSIFactory.CreateFCurveKeyCollection