

Sets the current marked parameter list. Marking parameters is a way of indicating which parameters you want to use for another task. For example, you can mark parameters so that only their animation is copied or removed, or you can mark the parameters you want to store in an action to be used in the animation mixer. You can also mark parameters to be used when scaling or offsetting an animation, or with linked parameters or scripted operators.

Scripting Syntax

SetMarking( PathList );


Parameter Type Description
PathList Marked parameter list List of relative object or parameter paths to mark.


VBScript Example


' Use marking to key an null's X scaling, Y orientation and Z position 


dim oNull,m,p

set oNull = GetPrim("Null")


' Mark sclx, roty, and posz, then key the marked 

' parameters at the current frame


SetMarking "kine.local.sclx,kine.local.roty,kine.local.posz"



' Log the parameters that are marked (we prepend the 

' name of oNull to make the output easier to compare, 

' and because we know we only marked oNull's parameters).


for each m in GetMarking()

	logmessage oNull & "." & m & " is marked"



' Use the X3DObject.NodeAnimatedParameters property to 

' log the null's animated parameters.


for each p in oNull.NodeAnimatedParameters( siAnySource )

	logmessage p.FullName & " is animated"


' Results of running this script:

'INFO : "null.kine.local.sclx is marked"

'INFO : "null.kine.local.roty is marked"

'INFO : "null.kine.local.posz is marked"

'INFO : "null.kine.local.posz is animated"

'INFO : "null.kine.local.roty is animated"

'INFO : "null.kine.local.sclx is animated"

See Also

ClearMarking AddToMarking RemoveFromMarking GetMarking Parameter.Marked XSICollection.FindObjectsByMarkingAndCapabilities ArgumentHandler