

Exports an XSICollection to a .obj file.

Scripting Syntax

SIObjExport( Object, FileName, CoordinateSystem, Tesselation, Material, UV, UserNormal );


Parameter Type Description
Object XSICollection Object Collection to Export
FileName String Name of the output .obj file
CoordinateSystem Integer Select type of hierarchy to be import( none / Null as Parent / Model as Parent
Tesselation Boolean Tesselate
Material Boolean Export Material
UV Boolean Export UVs
UserNormal Boolean Export UserNormals


VBScript Example

CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"

set oColl = CreateObject("XSI.Collection")

oColl.Add "Sphere"

SIObjExport oColl, "c:\fooSphere", 1, False, True, True

'VERBOSE : Wavefront OBJ Export: c:\fooSphere.obj

'VERBOSE : Exporting material: sphere.Scene_Material