

Gets the texture support objects for the given objects.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = SIGetTextureUVDomains( InputObjs );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection that contains the texture support objects.


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects to get texture support objects for

Default Value: Selected objects


VBScript Example

' This example demonstrate how to list the texture supports of an object. 

NewScene , false

CreatePrim "Sphere", "NurbsSurface"

' Create projections and texture supports for the object

CreateProjection "sphere", siTxtCylindrical, siTxtDefaultCylindrical, , "UVDomain1-Cylindrical"

CreateProjection "sphere", siTxtSpherical, , , "UVDomain2-Spherical"

CreateProjection "sphere", siTxtCubic, siTxtDefaultCubic, , "UVDomain3-Cubic"

' Log the name of the texture supports connected to the object:

set s = SIGetTextureUVDomains( "Sphere" )

if s.Count > 0 then

For i = 0 to s.Count-1

logmessage "Texture support name: " & s(i).name



logmessage "Texture support not found"

end if

'Output of the above script:

'INFO : Texture support name: Texture_Support

'INFO : Texture support name: Texture_Support1

'INFO : Texture support name: Texture_Support2