



Moves a scene item (such as object, model group or cluster) to a different position in its parent's list of children. You can move the input object directly to the first or last position, or you can pick a specific point by designating a sibling as a reference object and indicating whether the input object should be moved before or after the reference object in the list.

A sibling is another scene item on the same hierarchical level: an immediate child of the input object's parent.

Scripting Syntax

ReorderSceneItem( Parent, InputObj, MoveAction, [Marker] );


Parameter Type Description
Parent String Specifies the parent item under which you are modifying the position of a child item.
InputObj String Specifies the scene item to be reordered.
MoveAction Integer Specifies where the scene item will be moved: first child, before/after the reference item, or last child.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Move to become the first child.
1 Move just before the marker item.
2 Move just after the marker item.
3 Move to become the last child.
Marker String Specifies the marker item. This parameter is ignored if MoveAction=0 or 3.


JScript Example


// This JScript example creates several objects and then changes

// their child order using several of the ReorderSceneItem options.


NewScene(null, false);


NullMarker = GetPrim("Null");



NullToMove = GetPrim("Null");

// If you open the Explorer and change the "General Sort" option to "None (creation)"

// you'll see that we have null, null1, null2, null3, null4.

// Move "null4" after "null1".

ReorderSceneItem("Scene_Root", NullToMove, 2, NullMarker);

// Now make "null4" the first child.

ReorderSceneItem("Scene_Root", NullToMove, 0);

See Also

MoveOperator MoveOperatorBefore MoveOperatorAfter