



Moves an item after another in the stack.

Scripting Syntax

MoveOperatorAfter( Object, OperatorToMove, OperatorReference );


Parameter Type Description
Object String Specifies the object to be modified
OperatorToMove String Specifies the operator to be moved
OperatorReference String Specifies the operator to be moved after


JScript Example


	This example creates several operators and then moves them in 

	the stack using the several options of MoveOperatorBefore.


NewScene(null, null);

var oSphere = CreatePrim("Sphere", "MeshSurface", null, null);

// Create a twist operator in modeling construction mode

ApplyOp("Twist", oSphere, 3, siPersistentOperation, null, 0);

// Create a bend operator in animation construction mode

ApplyOp("Bend", oSphere, 3, siPersistentOperation, null, 2);

Application.LogMessage("Construction History Before Move");

var eOperators = new Enumerator( oSphere.ActivePrimitive.ConstructionHistory ); 

for (;!eOperators.atEnd();eOperators.moveNext())            


	var oOperator = eOperators.item();

	logmessage( "\t"+oOperator.fullname );


// Move the twist operator after the bend operator.

MoveOperatorBefore("sphere.polymsh", "sphere.polymsh.twistop", "sphere.polymsh.bendop");

Application.LogMessage("Construction History Before After");

eOperators = new Enumerator( oSphere.ActivePrimitive.ConstructionHistory ); 

for (;!eOperators.atEnd();eOperators.moveNext())            


	var oOperator = eOperators.item();

	logmessage( "\t"+oOperator.fullname );


//INFO : Construction History Before Move

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.secondaryshapemarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.animationmarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.bendop

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.shapemarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.modelingmarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.twistop

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.geom

//INFO : Construction History Before After

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.secondaryshapemarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.animationmarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.shapemarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.modelingmarker

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.twistop

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.bendop

//INFO : 	sphere.polymsh.geom

See Also

MoveOperatorBefore MoveOperator ChangeGeneratorInputReadPosition