

Adds components to clusters.

Scripting Syntax

AddToCluster( [InputObjs], [ActionWhenLocalMaterialsOverlap] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of clusters and the components to add to the clusters.

Default Value: Current selection

ActionWhenLocalMaterialsOverlap siActionWhenLocalMaterialsOverlap Action when the cluster, if it has a local material, overlaps with another cluster.

Default Value: siPromptUser (unless user pref dictates otherwise)


VBScript Example

'This example shows how to add elements to a cluster.


CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface"

CreateCluster "grid.pnt[4,13,22,31,36-44,49,58,67,76]"

Translate , 0, 5, 0, siAbsolute, siParent, siObj, siY

'Cluster name can be changed.

SetValue "grid.polymsh.cls.Point.Name", "PlusShape"

'Add point to cluster.

'Cluster is first and points to add come after.

AddToCluster "grid.polymsh.cls.PlusShape, grid.pnt[30,32,48,50]"

See Also

CopyCluster CreateCluster RemoveCluster RemoveFromCluster SIAddToCluster