ProxyParameter.MasterParameter operator





1. VBScript の例

'MasterParameter property
dim oRoot, oPSet, oPrxyPSet
set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oPSet = oRoot.AddProperty("Custom_parameter_list",,"RealParams")                                                    
oPSet.AddParameter3 "B", siInt4, 5, 0, 10 
set oPrxyPSet = oRoot.AddProperty("Custom_parameter_list",,"ProxyParams")                                                       
oPrxyPSet.AddProxyParameter oPSet.Parameters( "B" )
'Also add some proxy parameters to other parameters in the scene
oPrxyPSet.AddProxyParameter ""
oPrxyPSet.AddProxyParameter "Camera.camdisp.camdispgenpage.antialias"
logmessage IsProxyParam( oPSet.Parameters( "B" ) )
logmessage IsProxyParam( oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Scene_Root_RealParams_B" ) )
logmessage IsProxyParam( oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "light_light_soft_light_color_red" ) )
logmessage IsProxyParam( oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Camera_antialias" ) )
logmessage oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Camera_antialias" ) & " is a proxy parameter to " & _
oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Camera_antialias" ).MasterParameter
function IsProxyParam( in_oParam )
        IsProxyParam = ( typename( in_oParam ) = "ProxyParameter" )
end function
'Output of this example is the following:
'INFO : "False"
'INFO : "True"
'INFO : "True"
'INFO : "True"
'INFO : "ProxyParams.Camera_Antialias is a proxy parameter to Camera.camdisp.antialias"

2. JScript の例

//JScript example - MasterParameter property
var oRoot, oPSet, oPrxyPSet ;
oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root ;
oPSet = oRoot.AddProperty("Custom_parameter_list",false,"RealParams") ;
oPSet.AddParameter3( "B", siInt4, 5, 0, 10 ) ;
oPrxyPSet = oRoot.AddProperty("Custom_parameter_list",false,"ProxyParams") ;
oPrxyPSet.AddProxyParameter( oPSet.Parameters( "B" ) ) ;
//Also add some proxy parameters to other parameters in the scene
oPrxyPSet.AddProxyParameter( "" ) ;
oPrxyPSet.AddProxyParameter( "Camera.camdisp.camdispgenpage.antialias" ) ;
logmessage( IsProxyParam( oPSet.Parameters( "B" ) ) ) ;
logmessage( IsProxyParam( oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Scene_Root_RealParams_B" ) ) ) ;
logmessage( IsProxyParam( oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "light_light_soft_light_color_red" ) ) );
logmessage( IsProxyParam( oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Camera_antialias" ) ) ) ;
logmessage( oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Camera_antialias" ) + 
                        " is a proxy parameter to " +
                        oPrxyPSet.Parameters( "Camera_antialias" ).MasterParameter ) ;
function IsProxyParam( in_oParam )
        return ( Application.ClassName( in_oParam ) == "ProxyParameter" ) ;
//Output of this example is the following:
//INFO : "False"
//INFO : "True"
//INFO : "True"
//INFO : "True"
//INFO : "ProxyParams.Camera_Antialias is a proxy parameter to Camera.camdisp.antialias"


CustomProperty.AddParameter CustomProperty.AddProxyParameter AddProxyParam