Output Argument Arraysを参照してください。
oArray = NurbsSurface.EvaluatePosition2( UValue, VValue ); |
/* This example illustrates how to retreive the spatial position of a knot. */ var oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface" ); var oSurfaces = oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Surfaces; var oSurface = oSurfaces(0); var aUKnotValues = new VBArray(oSurface.UKnots.Array); var aVKnotValues = new VBArray(oSurface.VKnots.Array); var aValues = new VBArray(oSurface.EvaluatePosition2( aUKnotValues.getItem(3), aVKnotValues.getItem(4))); var oPosition = aValues.getItem(0); var oUTangent = aValues.getItem(1); var oVTangent = aValues.getItem(2); var oNormal = aValues.getItem(3); LogMessage( "Position: " + oPosition.x + ", " + oPosition.y + ", " + oPosition.z ); LogMessage( "Tan U: " + oUTangent.x + ", " + oUTangent.y + ", " + oUTangent.z ); LogMessage( "Tan V: " + oVTangent .x + ", " + oVTangent .y + ", " + oVTangent .z ); LogMessage( "Normal: " + oNormal.x + ", " + oNormal.y + ", " + oNormal.z ); //-------------------------------------------------- // Output of above script: //INFO : "Position: -4.718447854656915e-16, -2.828427124746189, 2.8284271247461916" //INFO : "Tan U: 1, 0, 1.8784326741201244e-16" //INFO : "Tan V: -5.3007381947367376e-17, 0.706986783671791, 0.7072267583409271" //INFO : "Normal: -1.3280270746201882e-16, -0.7072267583409272, 0.7069867836717909" |