NurbsCurve.EvaluatePositionFromPercentage operator


カーブに沿った指定されたパーセンテージにおける、位置、U方向のタンジェント、法線、および従法線を含む3D ベクトルを戻します。

スクリプト 構文

oArray = NurbsCurve.EvaluatePositionFromPercentage( Percentage );




パラメータ タイプ 詳細
Percentage Double カーブを評価する位置における、カーブの長さのパーセンテージ(値は 0.0から100.0まで)

1. VBScript の例

set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oArc = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Arc", "NurbsCurve" )
aValues = oArc.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Curves(0).EvaluatePositionFromPercentage( 70.0 )
set oPosition = aValues(0)
logmessage "The position at 70%% of the curve is x :" &  oPosition.x        & " y: " & oPosition.y & " z: " & oPosition.z
set oUTangent = aValues(1)
logmessage "The tangent in U at 70%% of the curve is x :" & oUTangent.x & " y: " & oUTangent.y & " z: " & oUTangent.z
set oNormal = aValues(2)
logmessage "The normal at 70%% of the curve is x :" & oNormal.x & " y: " & oNormal.y & " z: " & oNormal.z
set oBiNormal = aValues(3)
logmessage "The bi-normal at 70%% of the curve is x :" & oBiNormal.x & " y: " & oBiNormal.y & " z: " & oBiNormal.z

2. JScript の例

SICreateCurve("crvlist", 3, 0);
SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd("crvlist", -3.951, 0.000, 1.651, false);
SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd("crvlist", -3.214, 0.000, -1.884, false);
SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd("crvlist", -0.592, 0.000, 1.146, false);
SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd("crvlist", 1.660, 0.000, 2.856, false);
SIAddPointOnCurveAtEnd("crvlist", 3.272, 0.000, -1.224, false);
GetNurbsCurveListInfo( GetValue("crvlist") );
function GetNurbsCurveListInfo( oCurveList )
        var oPosition, oUTangent, oNormal, oBiNormal;
        var p = XSIMath.CreateVector3();
        oGeometry = oCurveList.ActivePrimitive.Geometry;
        // Display curve list info
        LogMessage( "    Name: " + oCurveList.Name );
        LogMessage( "FullName: " + oCurveList.FullName );
        LogMessage( "    Type: " + oCurveList.Type );
        // Display geometry info:
        LogMessage( "      Length: " + oGeometry.Length );
        LogMessage( "      Closed: " + oGeometry.Closed );
        LogMessage( "   Nb Points: " + oGeometry.Points.Count );
        LogMessage( "  Nb Control: " + oGeometry.ControlPoints.Count );
        LogMessage( "   Nb Curves: " + oGeometry.Curves.Count );
        LogMessage( "   Nb Facets: " + oGeometry.Facets.Count );
        LogMessage( " Nb Segments: " + oGeometry.Segments.Count );
        LogMessage( " Nb Clusters: " + oGeometry.Clusters.Count );
        LogMessage( "Nb Triangles: " + oGeometry.Triangles.Count ); //crashes Softimage
        // Get the lower-level stuff
        for ( i = 0; i < oGeometry.Curves.Count; i++ ) 
                LogMessage( "--- Curve["+i+"] ---" );
                oCurve = oGeometry.Curves(i);
                // Find the midpont along the curve
                var aValues = new VBArray(oCurve.EvaluatePositionFromPercentage( 50.0 ));
                var oPosition = aValues.getItem(0);
                var oUTangent = aValues.getItem(1);
                var oNormal = aValues.getItem(2);
                var oBiNormal = aValues.getItem(3);
                LogMessage( " Position[x,y,z]: " + oPosition.x +","+ oPosition.y +","+ oPosition.z );
                LogMessage( "U Tangent[x,y,z]: " + oUTangent.x +","+ oUTangent.y +","+ oUTangent.z );
                LogMessage( "   Normal[x,y,z]: " + oNormal.x   +","+ oNormal.y +","+ oNormal.z   );
                LogMessage( "Bi Normal[x,y,z]: " + oBiNormal.x +","+ oBiNormal.y +","+ oBiNormal.z );
                // Display the info
                LogMessage( "   Nb Knots: " + oCurve.Knots.Count );
                LogMessage( "   Degree: "   + oCurve.Degree      );


NurbsCurve.GetPercentageFromU NurbsCurve.GetUFromPercentage