Object Hierarchy | 関連する C++クラス:Command
コマンドは Softimage ビルトイン
コマンドの定義を取得するには、'set oCmd = Commands( "Translate" )'を実行します。
1 番目の例を参照)。
ScriptingName がわかります。
JScript から呼び出す場合の構文は"Foo( arg1, arg2
);"ですが、Netviewページに埋め込まれたスクリプトにはこの構文は機能しません。ただし、Applicationオブジェクト(oApplication.Foo( arg1,
arg2 ) ;など)のメソッドとしてすべてのコマンドを呼び出すことができます。また、Command.Executeメソッドからもコマンドを呼び出すこともできます。
メニューにカスタムコマンドを配置するには、2 つの方法があります。1 つ目はコマンドカテゴリ(siCommandCategoryを参照)を使用する方法、2
Softimage ではカスタムコマンドを定義する方法として、組み込みコマンド、プラグインベースのコマンド、V1.5コマンドの 3
つをサポートしています。これらはすべて同一の Command オブジェクト API
V4.0 の新機能である組み込みコマンドを使用した方法では、コマンドの実装コードを定義の内部に直接保存します(Command.Codeを参照)。この方法は単純なコマンドに最適で、Command
および Argument オブジェクトを使用した例で広く使用される方法です。コマンド定義は.DSDynamicCommandMap
プラグインベースの方法もV4.0 の新機能です。これは定義を実装し、自己インストールプラグイン(PluginRegistrar.RegisterCommandおよびCommand.Enabledの例とインストールの一部の
SimpleCommand を参照)の内部でカスタムコマンドを実装します。この方法は、複雑なスクリプトや C++の API
dll を削除してください。
v1.5 で導入された古いワークフローは、まだ全面的にサポートされています。この方法でカスタム
(1) XSIApplication.CreateCommand
でコマンド オブジェクトを作成します。
(2)プロパティを使用してコマンド オブジェクトのプロパティを定義します。(Command.Language、Command.ReturnValue、Command.SetFlagなど)。
(3) ArgumentCollection.AddまたはArgumentCollection.AddObjectArgumentを使用して指定する引数をすべて追加します(例:myCommand.Arguments.Add
"myArgName"、siArgumentInput, true、siBool)。
(4) ディスク上にスクリプトファイルを作成し(Command.FileName)、関数を作成します(Command.Handler)。この関数は、ArgumentCollectionで指定された同じ引数の数値を使用します。Command.ReturnValueが
true の場合は値を戻すことができます。
(5) XSIApplication.AddCommandを使用して
Softimage にコマンドを登録します。
(6) コマンドはすぐに使用することができます。コマンドが今後の Softimage セッションで使用できるように、Softimage
(7) XSIApplication.RemoveCommandを呼び出して
2~-5 の手順を繰り戻すか、Command.Updateを呼び出して、コマンドの定義を変更します。
(8) Softimage からコマンドを削除するには、XSIApplication.RemoveCommandを使用します。
// JScript Custom Command overview - Embedded Approach InstallCommands(); DemoCommands() ; // Comment out this line if you want to experiment with the // commands created in this example CleanupCommands(); function InstallCommands() { // Remove any existing copies of the demo commands CleanupCommands() ; // each command needs to be defined. // (Softimage will not forget this information // until they are removed with a call to CleanupCommands() ; // // Define Command #1 : CommandHelloWorld // var cmd = Application.CreateCommand( "CommandHelloWorld" ) cmd.ScriptingName = "CommandHelloWorld" ; cmd.Language = "JScript" ; cmd.ReturnValue = false ; cmd.Handler = "HelloWorld" ; cmd.Code = HelloWorld.toString() ; // Embed the code directly in the definition Application.AddCommand( cmd ) ; // // Define Command #2 : CommandSimple // cmd = Application.CreateCommand( "CommandSimple" ) cmd.ScriptingName = "CommandSimple" ; cmd.Language = "JScript" ; cmd.ReturnValue = true ; cmd.Handler = "Simple" ; cmd.Code = Simple.toString() ; // Embed the code directly in the definition // You must mention the arguments you want. // The name is not important but must be unique cmd.Arguments.Add("a") cmd.Arguments.Add("b") Application.AddCommand( cmd ) // // Define Command #3 : CommandSimpleObjectArg // cmd = Application.CreateCommand( "CommandSimpleObjectArg" ) cmd.ScriptingName = "CommandSimpleObjectArg" ; cmd.Language = "JScript" ; cmd.ReturnValue = true ; cmd.Handler = "SimpleObjectArg" ; cmd.Code = SimpleObjectArg.toString() ; // Embed the code directly in the definition cmd.Arguments.AddObjectArgument("obj"); Application.AddCommand( cmd ) } function DemoCommands() { // It is simple to execute a custom command, especially one // like this with no return value or arguments. // Will log "Hello World" CommandHelloWorld() ; // Will log "15" logmessage( CommandSimple( 5, 10 ) ); // Will log "concat" logmessage( CommandSimple( "con","cat" ) ) ; newscene( null, false ) ; var oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Sphere", "NurbsSurface") ; //Will log: //INFO : "Name of the input object sphere" //INFO : "grid" logmessage( CommandSimpleObjectArg( oSphere ) ) ; //Softimage can also turn an string to an object: //INFO : "Name of the input object grid" //INFO : "grid1" logmessage( CommandSimpleObjectArg( "grid" ) ) ; } function CleanupCommands() { Application.RemoveCommand( "CommandHelloWorld" ) ; Application.RemoveCommand( "CommandSimple" ) ; Application.RemoveCommand( "CommandSimpleObjectArg" ) ; } // Implementation of CommandHelloWorld // The name of this function matches the string we provided as cmd.Handler function HelloWorld() { LogMessage( "Hello World" ) ; } function Simple( in_a, in_b ) { return in_a + in_b ; } function SimpleObjectArg( in_obj ) { logmessage( "Name of the input object " + in_obj.Name ) ; // return a different object return ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Grid", "MeshSurface") ; } |
// JScript Custom Command overview - Self-Installed Approach // // This example relies on a script on disk so you need to // follow an important step first before running this example: // // SAVE the following commented out code into commandexample.js // inside your %XSI_USERHOME%\Application\Plugins directory. // // Once you have saved the file you can run the script /* // BEGINNING OF CODE TO SAVE IN FILE function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg ) { in_reg.Author = "Softimage SDK Team" ; in_reg.Name = "SDK Example - Custom Commands" ; in_reg.Major = 1 ; in_reg.Minor = 1 ; in_reg.RegisterCommand( "CommandHelloWorld", "CommandHelloWorld" ); in_reg.RegisterCommand( "CommandSimple", "CommandSimple" ); in_reg.RegisterCommand( "CommandSimpleObjectArg", "CommandSimpleObjectArg" ); return true ; } // // Define Command #1 : CommandHelloWorld // function CommandHelloWorld_Init(in_oCtxt) { var cmd = in_oCtxt.Source ; cmd.ReturnValue = false ; // We don't need to set cmd.Language, cmd.Handler, cmd.Code // or cmd.FileName because this is automatically determined. // Application.AddCommand is not called // This command takes no arguments } // // Define Command #2 : CommandSimple // function CommandSimple_Init(in_oCtxt) { var cmd = in_oCtxt.Source ; cmd.ReturnValue = true ; // You must mention the arguments you want. // The name is not important but must be unique cmd.Arguments.Add("a") cmd.Arguments.Add("b") } // // Define Command #3 : CommandSimpleObjectArg // function CommandSimpleObjectArg_Init(in_oCtxt) { var cmd = in_oCtxt.Source ; cmd.ReturnValue = true ; // You must mention the arguments you want. // The name is not important but must be unique cmd.Arguments.AddObjectArgument("obj"); } // Implementation of CommandHelloWorld function CommandHelloWorld_Execute() { LogMessage( "Hello World" ) ; } function CommandSimple_Execute( in_a, in_b ) { return in_a + in_b ; } function CommandSimpleObjectArg_Execute( in_obj ) { logmessage( "Name of the input object " + in_obj.Name ) ; // return a different object return ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Grid", "MeshSurface") ; } // END OF CODE TO SAVE IN FILE */ // This loads the newly created file, which will define the commands inside Softimage. // It is unnecessary if you restart Softimage or use the Plugin Manager view Application.LoadPlugin( Application.InstallationPath( siUserPath ) + "/Application/Plugins/commandexample.js" ) ; // Demonstrate the custom commands that are defined in the plug-in DemoCommands() ; function DemoCommands() { // It is simple to execute a custom command, especially one // like this with no return value or arguments. // Will log "Hello World" CommandHelloWorld() ; // Will log "15" logmessage( CommandSimple( 5, 10 ) ); // Will log "concat" logmessage( CommandSimple( "con","cat" ) ) ; newscene( null, false ) ; var oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Sphere", "NurbsSurface") ; //Will log: //INFO : "Name of the input object sphere" //INFO : "grid" logmessage( CommandSimpleObjectArg( oSphere ) ) ; //Softimage can also turn an string to an object: //INFO : "Name of the input object grid" //INFO : "grid1" logmessage( CommandSimpleObjectArg( "grid" ) ) ; } |
// JScript Custom Command overview - v1.5 Approach // // This example relies on a script on disk so you need to // follow an important step first before running this example: // // SAVE the following commented out code as // %XSI_USERHOME%\Data\Scripts\commandexample.js // // Once you have saved the file you can run the script /* // BEGINNING OF CODE TO SAVE IN FILE // Implementation of CommandHelloWorld // The name of this function matches the string we provided as cmd.Handler function HelloWorld() { LogMessage( "Hello World" ) ; } function Simple( in_a, in_b ) { return in_a + in_b ; } function SimpleObjectArg( in_obj ) { logmessage( "Name of the input object " + in_obj.Name ) ; // return a different object return ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Grid", "MeshSurface") ; } // END OF CODE TO SAVE IN FILE */ InstallCommands(); DemoCommands() ; // Comment out this line if you want to experiment with the // commands created in this example CleanupCommands(); function InstallCommands() { // Remove any existing copies of the demo commands CleanupCommands() ; // each command needs to be defined. // (Softimage will not forget this information // until they are removed with a call to CleanupCommands() ; var fileNameWithPath = Application.InstallationPath( siUserPath ) + "/Data/Scripts/commandexample.js" // // Define Command #1 : CommandHelloWorld // var cmd = Application.CreateCommand( "CommandHelloWorld" ) cmd.ScriptingName = "CommandHelloWorld" ; cmd.Language = "JScript" ; cmd.ReturnValue = false ; cmd.Handler = "HelloWorld" ; cmd.FileName = fileNameWithPath; Application.AddCommand( cmd ) ; // // Define Command #2 : CommandSimple // cmd = Application.CreateCommand( "CommandSimple" ) cmd.ScriptingName = "CommandSimple" ; cmd.Language = "JScript" ; cmd.ReturnValue = true ; cmd.Handler = "Simple" ; cmd.FileName = fileNameWithPath; // You must mention the arguments you want. // The name is not important but must be unique cmd.Arguments.Add("a") cmd.Arguments.Add("b") Application.AddCommand( cmd ) // // Define Command #3 : CommandSimpleObjectArg // cmd = Application.CreateCommand( "CommandSimpleObjectArg" ) cmd.ScriptingName = "CommandSimpleObjectArg" ; cmd.Language = "JScript" ; cmd.ReturnValue = true ; cmd.Handler = "SimpleObjectArg" ; cmd.FileName = fileNameWithPath; cmd.Arguments.AddObjectArgument("obj"); Application.AddCommand( cmd ) } function DemoCommands() { // It is simple to execute a custom command, especially one // like this with no return value or arguments. // Will log "Hello World" CommandHelloWorld() ; // Will log "15" logmessage( CommandSimple( 5, 10 ) ); // Will log "concat" logmessage( CommandSimple( "con","cat" ) ) ; newscene( null, false ) ; var oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Sphere", "NurbsSurface") ; //Will log: //INFO : "Name of the input object sphere" //INFO : "grid" logmessage( CommandSimpleObjectArg( oSphere ) ) ; //Softimage can also turn an string to an object: //INFO : "Name of the input object grid" //INFO : "grid1" logmessage( CommandSimpleObjectArg( "grid" ) ) ; } function CleanupCommands() { Application.RemoveCommand( "CommandHelloWorld" ) ; Application.RemoveCommand( "CommandSimple" ) ; Application.RemoveCommand( "CommandSimpleObjectArg" ) ; } |
' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' This VBScript example demonstrates how to find a built-in ' (or native) Softimage command using its scripting name. ' ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' Loop through the Softimage command collection looking for a name match for each c in Application.Commands if c.ScriptingName = "FreezeObj" then ' At this point, you could either... ' ...get its name to use elsewhere ... sScpName = c.Name ' ...use it to create a Command object... set oCmd = c ' ...or perform whatever action you want on it, like demonstrating ' the difference between the Name and ScriptingName properties Application.LogMessage "FreezeObj info......." & vbLf _ & vbTab & "Name = " & c.Name & vbLf _ & vbTab & "ScriptingName = " & c.ScriptingName end if next ' With the new command pointer, we can access command information Application.LogMessage oCmd.Name & ": Belongs to the " & oCmd.Category & " category/menu." ' Now that we know the command's full name, we can access the command using ' the name as the key in the command collection set oCommand = Application.Commands( sScpName ) Application.LogMessage oCommand.Name & ": " & oCommand.Description ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Output of above script: 'INFO : "FreezeObj info....... ' Name = Freeze Operator Stack ' ScriptingName = FreezeObj" 'INFO : "Freeze Operator Stack: Belongs to the Edit category/menu." 'INFO : "Freeze Operator Stack: Freeze all the operators of the selected object(s)" |
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- Hello World example, based on v1.5 workflow for defining a command This JScript example creates and registers a custom command and then demonstrates how you can find it in the Softimage command collection using the Builtin property. ----------------------------------------------------------- */ // Start off with a clean slate Application.RemoveCommand("Howdy"); // Get the factory (installation) path and use it to build the filename & path var sFileName = InstallationPath( siUserPath ) + "\\Data\\Scripts\\HelloWorld.js"; // Create a standard hello world script file var fso = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ); var fHWFile = fso.CreateTextFile( sFileName ); fHWFile.WriteLine( "function SayHi()" ); fHWFile.WriteLine( "{" ); fHWFile.WriteLine( "\tApplication.LogMessage( \"Hello, World!\" );" ); fHWFile.WriteLine( "}" ); fHWFile.Close(); // Add it to the command map in Softimage var oCmd = Application.CreateCommand( "Howdy", siExportCategory ); oCmd.Description = "Display the traditional greeting"; oCmd.ScriptingName = "Howdy"; oCmd.Handler = "SayHi"; oCmd.FileName = sFileName; oCmd.Language = "JScript"; Application.AddCommand( oCmd ); // Run it just to make sure it's working oCmd.Execute(); // Now loop through the command collection and print the name and // scripting name of each custom command // (Tip: It is faster to use CommandCollection.Filter("Custom") to // find all custom commands) var eCmdList = new Enumerator( Application.Commands ); eCmdList.moveFirst(); var c; for (; !eCmdList.atEnd(); eCmdList.moveNext() ) { c = eCmdList.item(); if(!(c.Builtin)) { LogMessage( c.Name + "(" + c.ScriptingName + ") is a custom command." ); } } // Restore everything back to normal Application.RemoveCommand("Howdy"); fso.DeleteFile( sFileName, true ); // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Output of the above script is: // //INFO : "Hello, World!" //Howdy(); //Followed by a list of all custom commands installed, including: //INFO : "Howdy is a custom command." |