Public Types | Public Member Functions
XSI_RTS_Uniform Class Reference

Detailed Description

The XSI_RTS_Uniform object defines a special parameter for a Realtime Shader chain.

A uniform parameter is a value that is defined by the Realtime Shader but intended to be used inside a vertex or a fragment shader. For example, a real-time shader node can use this method to define a single float parameter called foobar. When the real-time shader node responsible for calling the vertex or fragment shader (GLSLProgram or HLSLProgram) is called, it retrieves the list of uniform parameters defined and passes them to the vertex and fragment shader.

See also:
IRTSExecutionState::DefineUniform, IRTSExecutionState::ClearUniforms, IRTSExecutionState::GetNbUniforms, IRTSExecutionState::GetUniformList

#include <XSI_rtshaders.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum   eUniformType {
  Float = 0,

Public Member Functions

  XSI_RTS_Uniform (eUniformType in_eType, const char *in_szName, unsigned int in_uiSize, void *in_pData)
virtual  ~XSI_RTS_Uniform ()
const char *  GetName ()
unsigned int  GetSize ()
eUniformType  GetType ()
void *  GetData ()

Member Enumeration Documentation

Data type for the uniform parameter.


Float data type


Integer data type


Texture data type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

XSI_RTS_Uniform ( eUniformType  in_eType,
const char *  in_szName,
unsigned int  in_uiSize,
void *  in_pData 
) [inline]

Constructs an XSI_RTS_Uniform object from the specified information.

in_eType Data type for the new uniform parameter (one of the eUniformType enum values)
in_szName Name for the uniform parameter
in_uiSize Size of the data for the uniform parameter
in_pData Pointer to the data to store in the uniform parameter
virtual ~XSI_RTS_Uniform ( ) [inline, virtual]

Default destructor.

Member Function Documentation

const char* GetName ( ) [inline]

Returns the name of the uniform parameter.

The name of the uniform parameter
unsigned int GetSize ( ) [inline]

Returns the size of the data for the uniform parameter.

The size of the data
eUniformType GetType ( ) [inline]

Returns the data type of the uniform parameter.

One of the XSI_RTS_Uniform::eUniformType enum values representing the data type
void* GetData ( ) [inline]

Returns the data stored in the uniform parameter.

A pointer to the stored data

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