' This example shows how to convert an implicit sphere to a mesh sphere
NewScene , false
dim lCreated, oImplicitSphere
' Create implicit sphere
set oImplicitSphere = GetPrim("Sphere")
' Implicit sphere becomes a mesh.
' SIConvert returns more information than Convert.
' The return collection is consulted instead of the return parameters
' because it is more scripting language neutral.
set lCreated = SIConvert( "MeshSurface", oImplicitSphere )
'Log the following information:
'INFO : "2 elements in collection."
'INFO : "First object is an Operator"
'INFO : "Second object is an Object"
LogMessage lCreated.Count & " elements in collection."
LogMessage "First object is an " & typename( lCreated(0))
LogMessage "Second object is an " & typename( lCreated(1))