View Properties (Object View)

Sets attributes for object view panes in layouts and relational views.

To display: In the layout editor or relational view editor, right-click on a object view pane and choose Set View Properties.


The default display mode to use when the object view is opened.


The default point of view to use when the object view is opened. Setting a value here is equivalent to clicking or middle-clicking on the X, Y, or Z buttons at the top of 3D views.


The name of a camera to use. You can enter any one of the following: default (or user); render (or render pass); any scene camera name; or any spotlight name.

Target content

The name of an object to view by default when the object view is opened. When the view is opened, it will display this element if it exists. The displayed object may change as you select objects unless the object view is locked.

If the view is driven, this content can be replaced. You can also control this attribute programmatically even if the view is not driven.