Smooth Envelope Weight Operator Property Editor

Controls how weights are smoothed across points on an envelope. New weights are calculated as a weighted average of neighboring points.

To apply: Select an envelope or some points on an envelope, and choose Deform Envelope Smooth Envelope Weights from the Animate toolbar. Alternatively, choose Edit Smooth in the weight editor or Apply Smooth on the weight paint panel.

To redisplay: In an explorer, expand the envelope's Clusters\EnvelopWeightCls\Envelope_Weights node, and click the Smooth Envelope Weight operator icon.

Neighborhood Depth

For each point, the size of the neighborhood to consider when calculating new weights. Points are considered neighbors if they have successive U or V values on a surface, or share an edge on a polygon mesh. A value of 1 corresponds to immediate neighbors, a value of 2 includes neighbors of neighbors, and so on. A value of 0 mutes the operator.

Distance Profile Scaling

Controls the horizontal falloff. The value in Softimage units represents 100 on the X axis of the Distance Effect Profile curve.

Distance Effect Profile

Controls the weight of neighboring points as a function of distance, for the purpose of averaging envelope weights.