Transform Setup Property Editor

Controls the transformation tool that is activated by default when a transformation tool is already active and you select the object in supra mode.

To apply: Select an object and choose Get Property Transform Setup from any toolbar.

To redisplay: Select the object, click the Selection button on the Select panel, then click the Transform Setup icon.

NoteYou can temporarily override the Transform Setups of all objects in your scene with Transform Ignore Transform Setups.

Tool to recall


The default transformation tool for the object:

  • None: The object uses whichever transformation tool is currently active.

  • Last: Automatically activates the last transformation tool that was active on the object when you select it in supra mode.

  • Scale: Automatically activates the Scale tool when you select the object in supra mode.

  • Rotate: Automatically activates the Rotate tool when you select the object in supra mode.

  • Translate: Automatically activates the Translate tool when you select the object in supra mode.

Reference Mode


The mode used for the Scale tool:

  • XYZ uses the three mouse-buttons to scale separately in the X, Y, and Z axes of the object's local coordinate system.

  • Uni scales uniformly in all 3 axes. The three mouse buttons scale at different speeds.

  • Vol uses the three mouse-buttons to scale separately in the X, Y, and Z axes of the object's local coordinate system. Additionally, it compensates in the other axes to keep the volume of the object's bounding box constant.


The mode used for the Rotate tool:

  • View rotates perpendicularly to the viewport's camera. The three mouse buttons rotate at different speeds.

  • Global uses the three mouse-buttons to rotate about its center relative to the scene's global X, Y, and Z axes.

  • Local uses the three mouse-buttons to rotate about the X, Y, and Z axes of the object's own local coordinates.

  • Add uses the left and middle mouse-buttons to rotate about the object's local X and Y axes respectively, and the right mouse-button to rotate about the Z axis of the object's parent (or the scene's global Z axis if there is no parent). Rotations are additive, meaning that they do not jump from 180 to -180 degrees, but continue indefinitely in both directions.

  • Ref uses the three mouse-buttons to rotate about the X, Y, and Z axes of the last-used reference plane.

  • Plane rotates about the Y axis of the last-used reference plane.


The mode used for the Translate tool:

  • View uses the left mouse-button translate freely in the viewing plane of the viewport's camera, the middle mouse-button to translate vertically, and the right mouse-button to translate horizontally.

  • Global uses the three mouse-buttons to translate separately along the global X, Y, and Z axes of the scene.

  • Local uses the three mouse-buttons to translate separately along the X, Y, and Z axes of the object's own local coordinate system.

  • Parent uses the three mouse-buttons to translate separately along the X, Y, and Z axes of the coordinate system of the object's parent.

  • Ref uses the three mouse-buttons to translate separately along the X, Y, and Z axes of the last-used reference plane.

  • Plane uses the left mouse-button translate freely in the UV plane of the last-used reference plane, the middle mouse-button to translate along its U axis, and the right mouse-button to translate along its V axis.

X, Y, Z

Activates interaction along each axis separately.


Transforms elements about their common center of geometry. When rotating objects, this changes the center of rotation but not the axis of rotation. Also, when translating multiple objects with snapping, their common center of geometry snaps to targets instead of each object snapping individually.