Assemble NURBS Mesh (SCM) Dialog Box

To assemble multiple surfaces into a single surface mesh object, select them then choose Create Surf. Mesh Assemble and set the options below. Once you click OK, a surface mesh object is created immediately; note that you cannot modify these parameters later. The new surface mesh contains subsurfaces corresponding to the original surfaces; the original surfaces are not destroyed.

SCM Tolerance

Sets a value for establishing continuity. If any two corresponding points along a seam are further apart than this value, no continuity is established along that seam. If the tolerance is too big, too many points will be stitched together and you will not get the desired results.

Copy User Clusters Locally

Creates copies of clusters from the original input surfaces on each of the subsurfaces.

Copy Materials and Textures Locally

Locally copies material and textures from the original input surfaces onto the corresponding subsurfaces.

Center to Geometric Center

Creates the center of the new surface mesh at its geometric center. When off, the center is created at the global scene center.