Bulge Op Property Editor

Moves an object's points away from or toward a specified point in space.

To apply: Select an object or cluster and choose Deform Bulge from a toolbar.

To redisplay: Select the object, choose Edit Properties Modeling Properties, and click the Bulge Op tab.


Toggles the deformation on and off without affecting the values of other parameters.

Deform Along

X, Y, Z

Specifies whether the points are deformed along each axis in local space. You can toggle individual axes on or off.


The reference axis around which the Profile curve is revolved. Points that are the same distance along this axis are deformed by the same amount.



The maximum amplitude of the bulge in SOFTIMAGE units.


A function curve that controls how the amplitude of the bulge is modulated according to the distance from the deformation center. You can edit the profile using the mouse and the same keyboard commands as the animation editor, or right-click to display a menu.

Deformation Center

These options specify the point away from which the object's points are deformed.

Use Bounding Box Center

When this option is on, the object's points are deformed away from the center of the object's bounding box. The Offset values have no effect.

Offset X, Y, Z

These values specify the deformation center as an offset from the object's local center.