New Custom Parameter Dialog Box

To display: Select a custom parameter set or an object with a custom parameter set, then choose Create Parameter New Custom Parameter from the Animate toolbar.

Parameter Name

The name used in property editors, explorers, scripting, and expressions to identity the parameter.

If there is already a parameter with the same name in the same custom parameter set, the property editor will display the name that you type but the name used in scripts and expressions will have a number is appended to it. For example, if there is already a parameter in the set named Sparky, the scripting names of additional parameters will be Sparky1, Sparky2, etc.

Value Type

The type of data the parameter can hold:

  • Text -- a character string of any length.

  • Boolean -- True or False.

  • Integer -- Any integer between +/-2147483647.

  • Small Integer Number -- Any integer between 0 and 255.

  • Floating Point Number -- Any decimal value.

Default Value

The default value of the parameter.

Value Range

For numeric parameters, sets the Minimum and Maximum values.

UI Range

The slider for the new parameter can have a smaller range than the Minimum and Maximum values. In such cases, users can enter values outside the slider range using the keyboard.


Allows the slider range to be smaller than the Value Range. If this is off, the slider uses the Value Range.

UI Minimum, Maximum Values

The minimum and maximum values of the slider on the custom parameter-set property editor.



Determines whether the new parameter can be animated.


Determines whether the new parameter appears in the keying panel. See Keying Keyable Parameters in the Keying Panel [Animation].


When on, the value of the custom parameter cannot be modified interactively by users. Read-only parameters can still by modified by scripting commands or the object model.