Model Property Editor

Models are "subscenes" that help organize your work. Each model maintains its own namespace; while each object within a model must have a unique name, several models within a scene can contain objects with the same name. Each model also has its own mixer for actions and shapes.

Models can be internal to a scene, or referenced from a separate model file.

To create a model: Select some objects and choose Create > Model > New Model.

To import a referenced model: Choose File Import Referenced Model or Create Model New Referenced Model and select the low-resolution exported model,

To display: In an explorer, click the node of the referenced model.

NoteSome parameters are hidden for non-referenced models.


Defines the model's name in the scene. This name can be edited without affecting any external model file.


Displays a table with a row for each resolution that has been defined for the model.


The numeric identifier of the resolution. This value cannot be changed.


A tick mark denotes the resolution that is currently loaded in the scene. Click in another row to activate a different resolution.

When a referenced model is offloaded, the data in the external file is not represented in the scene. This can be useful for reducing the memory requirements, speeding up interaction, and simplifying your view of the scene when you are not directly working with a model. When you need to work with the model again, you can simply change its resolution again. Offloaded models are represented by a white outlined man icon in the explorer. The model's root null is not shown in the 3D views.


The name of the resolution. You can enter a new name if you want. The name of the active resolution is displayed in square brackets after the model name in explorers.


The date and time that the external file was last modified.

User Path

The path to the external model file as it was entered. You can modify this value to use a different model file.

Resolved Path

The full path to the external model file.

Browse Selected Path

Allows you to specify a model file by browsing. Click in a row, then click this button and use the browser to find and select a model.

Add Resolution

Adds a new row to the table. Click this button, then specify a Name and User Path.

Remove Resolution

Deletes the selected resolution. Click in a row, then click this button.


Events allow you to automate actions to perform at specific times during the sequence of updating a referenced model.


Executed before a model is unloaded and local modifications are saved, whenever updating the model, offloading the model, switching resolutions, or saving the scene.


Executed after the model file is read but before the delta is applied.


Executed after the delta is applied.

Events Wizard

Creates templates to help define the events.

NoteThe first time you open a particular scene from a previous version of Softimage that uses PostLoad and PreModSave scripts, those scripts are run. After that, you must create events to perform the function of those scripts.

Referenced Model

Indicates that this is a referenced model. This is for information only and cannot be changed.

Models to Reconnect to

Enter any models you wish to use for external connections, such as constraints or envelope deformers.

This lets you keep things like envelopes and deformers in separate models. For example, suppose you enveloped the geometry in one model to a rig in another model. You then import the geometry model into a new scene but you wish to connect to a renamed version of the rig model because there are multiple versions of the same rig in that scene. Enter the name of the rig model that you wish to connect to here. The models listed here are checked for the required deformers and any objects that match by name are connected to the envelope operator when the referenced model is updated.

Separate multiple model names by commas.