
Category: mental ray > Shadow

Shader Family: Surface Material

Output: Color

This shader can be used to assign a (possibly transparent) color to an object, and to make it transparent for shadow rays. Either a color alpha < 1 or a nonzero transparency cause shadow rays to be transmitted through the object.

Shadow shaders can only be attached to shadow statements in material statements, directly or indirectly in a phenomenon. They are called when a shadow ray hits an occluding object: the shadow shader of the occluding object controls how much light is transmitted. Shadow shaders are special in that their result color is also an input color, which means that the output cannot be attached to another shader parameters because such attachments are one-way, output-to-parameter only.

In a phenomenon, shadow shaders can only be attached to a material inside the phenomenon, or to the phenomenon root if the phenomenon is attached to a material's shadow shader.


The name of the shader node displayed in the render tree. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.


The RGBA color of the object, which becomes a multiplier for the light color being transmitted.


An RGB transparency. Value 0 is opaque; value 1 is fully transparent. Internally, the transparency RGB components are multiplied by the alpha value of the color before being used.


The mode selector for the light list. For more information, see Setting the Light List Mode [Direct Illumination].


Creates a light list to specifiy which lights should produce the effect. For more information, see Using Light Lists [Direct Illumination].