

  • Math > Basic


Generates random values that are continuous over the input space (position) and current time (when time varying is on). Values generated by this node have the quality of looking natural and are often used in computer graphics to simulate natural effects such as turbulent air flow, waves, etc.

The space is defined by the position input and whether the noise is time varying. For example, with the time varying option on and positions provided as 3D vectors, the size of the space is four: time plus the three dimensions of the position.


Noise Type

The noise function used to generate the turbulent values.

  • Perlin: this is the most widely known noise function. It is efficient when the number of dimensions of the space is less than three.

  • Simplex: this is a more efficient noise function when the number of dimensions of the space is equal to or greater than three (the most common case).




Defines the sequence of random numbers used. If you require that two nodes generate different sets of values with the same parameters, simply assign them different seeds.

Time Varying

True to evolve the noise over time in a continuous manner.


Defines the space where the turbulence varies continuously. This is often the position of points deformed or particles simulated.

Time Frequency

Defines the speed at which the noise evolves over time. This only has an effect when the time-varying option is on.

Space Frequency

The granularity of the noise pattern. The greater the space frequency value, the finer the noise.


Defines the number of octaves to be added to the turbulence. The value of the turbulence is calculated such that for each octave a noise of half the amplitude and twice the frequency is added. A complexity of one is simple noise with no fractal pattern.

Complexity has an impact on performance. A turbulence with 2 octaves takes twice as long to calculate than a turbulence with only 1 octave.



The turbulence values returned.