This compound animates the strand using the mathematical sine function, which creates an undulating wave motion. You can use
this compound to animate the strands when using an unsimulated ICE tree (such as if the point cloud's ICETree node is in the
Modeling region).
Create strands, then plug this compound's Execute output into a PostSimExecute port on the Simulation Root node or in a port
on the ICETree node.
For information, see Shaping the Strands [ICE Particle Simulations].
Tasks: Particles/Strands
Output Ports: Execute
The number of waves created along the strand. One wave is one period of a sine wave.
The direction in which the sine wave moves according to the particle's local axis you specify here.
This curve defines the amplitude of the sine wave, starting from the strand's base (key on the left) to the tip (key on the
Multiplies the sine wave strength value set with the profile curve.
Select the method by which the wave speed is calculated:
Determines how quickly the number of waves is created along the strand (like wave frequency).
Offsets the timing of the sine waves along the strands so that the strands don't all have the same sine wave movement at the
same time.