This compound emits a continuous stream of new particles from existing particles.
Plug its Execute output into a Port on the ICETree node or into either the Execute Once on Enter State or Execute at Every
Frame ports of a State compound, if you're using a state system.
For more information, see Spawning Particle Trails [ICE Particle Simulations].
Tasks: Particles/Spawning
Output Ports: Execute
Toggles the activeness of this compound.
Spawning Parameters
Name of the point cloud to which you're spawning.
The point cloud to which you're spawning particles. Use the Explorer button to find the point cloud or enter its name in the
text box.
The particle rate type to use for the spawned particles: Use Spawn Rate (defined by Spawn Rate below) or Spawn Rate Modulated
by Particle Velocity.
The number of spawned particles you want to create (per second) at the point of emission.
Toggles the continuous spawning of the spawned particles. If this is off, the particles spawn only once upon emission.
Direction and Speed
The spawned particles inherit the speed of the original particles from which they are spawned. If this value is 1, the speed
equals the Speed value of the original particles.
The Start and End Angles create the angle area in which the particles are spawned around the point of emission. Angle values
of 0 - 360 is the full rotation range.
The End Angle of the angle area in which the spawned particles are emitted.
Speed of the spawned particles in Softimage units per second.
Set Initial Values
Gives each State a unique ID so that the particles in that state can be easily identified. If there are two states that have
the same ID, only the state that is plugged in first into the State Machine will be evaluated.
The particle attribute you are setting for the spawned particles.
You can add an attribute here to change an aspect for the spawned particles, such as their Size, Mass, Shape, Orientation,
and so on. Enter the attribute name here or use the Explorer button to select the point cloud's attribute name.
Executes whatever compound is plugged in here at the time that the particles are spawned.