Select Case


  • Execution


Returns the values in one of the input ports based on the value of the condition. The value of the condition is expected to be between 0 and the number of Case ports minus 1 (the condition is zero-based). If the value is outside this range, the data in the Default port is passed instead.

This node also works with execution ports: in that case the port executed is selected based on the value of the condition.




An integer defining the values of which port should be passed through, or which port should be executed. The first Case always corresponds to a value of zero. If the condition is outside of the range, the value of the default port is returned or executed.


The data to be passed through or port executed based on the value of the Condition.


The data to be passed through or the port to be executed if the value of the condition is out of range (less than zero or greater than the number of cases minus one).



The data that was passed through from one of the input ports or an execution port if the input ports are of type Execute.