Randomize Emitter Value

This compound applies random values to several parameters in the Emit compound: Rate, Direction, Speed, Mass, and Size.

Plug this compound's Result output into any of these ports mentioned of the Emit compound.

For more information on randomization, see Randomizing Particle Values [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Emission Control

Output Ports: result

Min Value

Minimum value of the range used for randomizing the parameter value. A larger range of values yields a more obvious randomization effect.

Max Value

Maximum value of the range used for randomizing the parameter value.


Defines the sequence of random numbers used. If you require that two nodes generate different sets of values with the same parameters, simply assign them different seeds.

Distribution Type

Determines how the randomization is applied to the values using one of these methods:

  • Uniform: random numbers are distributed uniformly: every value within the variance range is equally likely to be generated;

  • Gaussian: random numbers are distributed as a bell curve. Values close to the mean value are more likely to be generated. The likelihood smoothly diminishes as values are further from the mean;

  • Triangle: random numbers are distributed as a triangle that is peaked at the top. The likelihood of a value to be generated diminishes linearly as values are further from the mean;

  • Profile Curve: allows you to sculpt the distribution. The zero X value of the curve corresponds to the mean, while -1 and 1 are the limits of the distribution specified by the variance. The curve's values outside of this range are ignored.