This compound modifies particle values over their life span depending on their age.
Plug its Value output into Plug its Execute output into any port that accepts a scalar value, such as the Mass, Size, Speed,
or Rate ports of the Emit compound.
For more information, see Modifying Particle Values by their Age or Age Percentage [ICE Particle Simulations].
Tasks: Particles/Modifiers
Output Ports: Value
This graph determines the particle value change over its lifespan in the simulation. Tip: If you're modifying the particle Size parameter, make sure that the start value isn't 0 (zero) or else the particles
will have no size at emission! Just nudge the value up a bit on the Y axis to make it any value above zero.
The parameter's value that is represented as a value of 1 in the graph. For example, if you modify the particle Size parameter
and you set this to 5, it gives the particles a radius of 5 units when they have reached a value of 1 on the profile curve