Modulate Strand Length by Age Percentage

This compound sets the particle's strand length data (the StrandLength attribute) based on its age percentage. It uses the Modulate Value by Age Percentage compound under the hood.

For information in general about strands, see ICE Particle Strands [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Strands

Output Ports: Result


This profile curve determines how the particle strand length is modified depending on the percentage of the particle's age as defined by its age limit. The graph represents the Base Value (Y axis of the graph) over the particle's life span (X axis of the graph).

Base Value

The Strand Length value that is represented as a value of 1 in the profile curve above. For example, if you modify the Strand Length parameter and you set this to 5, it gives the particle strands a length of 5 Softimage units when they have reached a value of 1 on the profile curve.