Adds new points in the target point cloud that are copies of the points in the source cloud. The target cloud can be the same
as the source cloud in which case the points are copied within the same point cloud. However, be careful about this case as
the size of the cloud could grow exponentially and quickly use up all the memory. The Enable port allows you to specify which
points should be cloned (in other words, the condition for cloning a point). All attributes of the source point are available
on the target point. For example, if you want to modulate an attribute on the target point based on the source point. For
example, if you want the velocity to be 90% of the velocity of the source point, simply multiply the velocity in the On Creation
Clone point is the low-level node used for doing any effects involving particles emitting other particles, including trails,
raindrop splashes, etc.
Reference to the point cloud from which to clone points.
Reference to the point cloud on which to add the cloned points.
Click to select the reference from an explorer. If the In Name port is connected, you can only choose references that are
valid at the existing path.
Click to launch a picking session and select a reference from a viewport, explorer, or schematic view.
True to duplicate the point.
Allows daisy chaining nodes to specify the reference for the source point cloud. The scene path received in this port is appended
as a prefix to the reference string of the node.
Allows daisy chaining nodes to specify the reference for the target cloud. The scene path received in this port is appended
as a prefix to the reference string of the node.
True to delete the point being cloned.
Number of clones for each source point.
Executes the connected node branch only on the new points created. This is useful for initializing the new points.
The port to connect for execution.
Allows daisy chaining nodes. Connect this port into the In Name port of another node to prefix the reference of the other
node with the reference of this node.