Produces a selected part of the image only. Crop can be used to eliminate an unwanted area from a clip (for example, garbage
in a matte). The area to be output can be selected by setting a Crop Rectangle. The size and position of the Crop Rectangle
can be animated. Whether or not Crop Rectangle is applied can also be animated.
Requires an Input (Any).
Produces an Output (Any).
Output Crop
Sets the area to be output when Apply Crop is enabled. Set any pixel values for Top, Bottom, Left and Right using the sliders.
When enabled, the crop is applied to the image.
Automatically repositions the image in the bottom left corner after cropping the bottom or left sides. This means that you
do not need to combine the Crop operator with a Transform3D operator in this situation. If this option is off, a white border
shows the extent of the image that the node will output.