Polymatricks Property Editor

When importing a dotXSI or COLLADA file, Softimage assigns a polymatricks operator when the transform stack stored in that file is incompatible with the native Softimage transform stack. The polymatricks operator holds all the custom transform stack information, as well as any animation on those transforms.

On import, the polymatricks operator is preserved if you disable the Optimize for Softimage option in the Import Crosswalk Options Dialog Box. The custom transform stack is kept exactly as is, but you will not be able to use Softimage's interactive SRT manipulators to modify the object's transforms because the polymatricks operator overrides the transforms for that node.

To modify the object's transforms, edit the parameters in this property editor. Alternatively, you can delete the polymatricks node under the object's Kinematics > Local Transform property. This will bake the custom transforms into the Softimage local transforms, but animation on those transforms will be lost.

Translate, Rotate, Scale, Shear, Lookat, and Matrix are the custom transforms that may appear in the polymatricks property editor.