Animation Mixer Preferences

Clips | Markers | Dopesheet Preferences

Sets the display preferences for elements in the animation mixer.

For information on the animation mixer in general, see Overview of the Animation Mixer [Nonlinear Animation in the Animation Mixer].

To display: Choose View Preferences in the animation mixer command bar or choose File Preferences from the Softimage main menu, then click the Editors Animation Mixer icon in the explorer that appears.


Display Tracks

Toggles the display of different types of tracks in the animation mixer. You can also set these options from the animation mixer's View menu.

Action Tracks

Green animation tracks for action clips.

Shape Tracks

Blue shape tracks for shape clips.

Audio Tracks

Sand-colored audio tracks for audio clips.

Show Track Options

Toggles the display of various track properties in the animation mixer. You can also set some of these options from the animation mixer's View menu.

Track Name

The name displayed at the left of tracks. The model name is shown before the track name.


Colored bars representing transitions between clips: purple for standard, red for Cardinal, and light orange for bridge.

Track Tooltips

Pop-ups displaying the track's name when the mouse hovers over a track.


Toggles the display of various clip properties in the animation mixer. Some of these options can also be set on the animation mixer's View menu.

Show Labels and Marks


The name displayed in the center of clips.

Clip In+Out

In and out frame numbers relative to the source in the bottom corners of clips.


Scale factor displayed at the top of clips. If a clip had been scaled to twice its length, the scale factor is 0.50.


Type and length of extrapolation displayed in the center of extrapolated clips: B for the number of bounces, C for the number of cycles, or H for the number of frames to hold.

Cycle Marks

Vertical lines separating each cycle or bounce in extrapolated clips.


Pop-ups displaying the clip's name when the mouse hovers over a clip or a curve inside a clip.

Clip Markers

Toggles the display of gray marker boxes beneath the clip showing a range of marked frames and rust-colored lines on the clip showing a single marked frame.

Clip Relations

Toggles the display of blue lines with square ends that link together two clips who are involved in a relationship. Sigh.

Clip Thumbnails

Show Thumbnails

Toggles the display of thumbnails on clips.

Thumbnails as Sequences

Displays clip thumbnails as a sequence of images, if multiple thumbnails exist for the clip.

Display x Thumbnails for Sequences

If you select Thumbnails as Sequences, specify the number of thumbnails from the sequence to display.

Show Curves and Effects

Weight Curves

Toggles the display of red lines representing weight curves in clips.

Time Warps

Toggles the display of orange lines representing timewarp curves in clips.

Audio Waveform

Toggles the display of black lines representing the waveform of audio files for audio clips.


Toggles the display of markers and their display properties in the animation mixer. You can also set some of these options on the animation mixer's View menu.

Display Markers

Clip Markers

Gray marker boxes beneath the clip showing a range of marked frames and rust-colored lines on the clip showing a single marked frame.

Show Marker Options

Marker Name

The name displayed at the top of markers

Marker Value

The value displayed at the bottom of markers.

Marker Tooltips

Pop-ups displaying the name when the mouse hovers over a marker.

Marker Interaction

Snap Marker Start/Duration to frames

Makes the marker snap to whole frames instead of seconds when you create or resize a frame-range marker. For example, if you resize a marker that starts at frame 1.5, it will snap only to full-frame numbers.