

Specifies the different fundamental types of MappedItem objects.

Constant Value Description
siCompoundMappedItem CompoundMappedItem Represents a compound item in a compound clip.
siConstraintMappedItem ConstraintMappedItem Represents an item of a clip which is driven by a Constraint object.
siExpressionMappedItem ExpressionMappedItem Represents an item of a clip which is driven by an Expression.
siFCurveMappedItem FCurveMappedItem Represents an item of a clip which is driven by an FCurve clip.
siShapeCompoundMappedItem ShapeCompoundMappedItem Represents a shape compound item in a compound clip.
siShapeKeyMappedItem ShapeKeyMappedItem Represents an item of a clip which is driven by a ShapeKey object.
siStaticValueMappedItem StaticValueMappedItem Represents an item of a clip which is driven by a static value.

Applies To

SIObject.Type SIObject::GetType

See Also
