Operator.Port operator


Finds and returns the specified Port object for the operator. PortGroup and PortGroupInstance (index) arguments are ignored for scripted operators created using the scripted operator editor (also known as runtime scripted operators). For all other types of operators if PortGroup and PortGroupInstance are not specified, the first port found with the given Name is returned.

Note: Python does not support input parameters on properties, so this property will fail in Python. Use the Operator.GetPort2 method instead.


Parameter Type Description
Name String Name of a port
PortGroup String Name of a port group.

Default Value: "" (empty string)

PortGroupInstance Long The port group instance index. This argument does not apply to runtime operators. If you don't provide a port group this argument is ignored.

Default Value: 0


JScript Example

        The following code illustrates how to get the port from an operator if
        you know its name. 
NewScene( null, false );
var oObject = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry("Sphere","MeshSurface");
apply_deform( oObject );
var oDeformOperator = oObject.ActivePrimitive.ConstructionHistory.Find( "MyDeform" );
var oPort = oDeformOperator.Port("InGeom","MainGroup",0);
var oInputGeometry = oPort.Target2;
Application.LogMessage( oDeformOperator.Name + " is reading from the " + oInputGeometry.FullName );
function apply_deform( oObject )
        var op = XSIFactory.CreateScriptedOp( "MyDeform", MyDeform_Update.toString(), "JScript" );
        // Define connections
        var group = op.AddPortGroup( "MainGroup" );
        var ioport = op.AddIOPort( oObject.ActivePrimitive, "Geom", group.Index );
        // Define parameters
        var pdef = XSIFactory.CreateParamDef2( "Factor", siDouble, 0.5, 0, 1 );
        // Connect operator
function MyDeform_Update( ctx, out, InGeom )
        // Get the factor.
        var dFactor = ctx.Parameters("Factor").Value
        // Get the array of point positions.
        var aPnts = InGeom.Value.Geometry.Points.PositionArray.toArray();
        // Deform geometry
        // Update the object//s point positions.
        out.Value.Geometry.Points.PositionArray = aPnts;

See Also
