



Returns an FCurveKeyCollection containing each FCurveKey object on the function curve. An FCurve only contains selected keys if FCurve.Selected returns true.


JScript Example

        This example illustrates how to get the fcurve key selection
// Create a null
oNull = Application.GetPrim("Null");
// Get the posx parameter of the null
oPosX = oNull.posx
// Create array of time-value pairs
aKeys = new Array(      0.00, 5.00,
                        1.00, 6.00,
                        2.00, 7.00,
                        3.00, 8.00,
                        4.00, 9.00,
                        5.00, 10.00 );
// Create an empty FCurve
oFCurve = oPosX.AddFCurve2( null, siStandardFCurve );
// Set the fcurve keys
oFCurve.SetKeys( aKeys );
// Select some keys
SelectKeysInTimespan(oPosX, siSetKeySelection, 2, 4, siInputParameters);
// Get selected fcurves
oFCurves = Application.FCurveSelection;
// Print selected key information
for (var i = 0; i < oFCurves.Count; i++) 
        Application.LogMessage( 'FCurve ' + i + ' has ' + oFCurves(i).SelectedKeys + ' keys selected', siInfo );
// Produces the following output:
//INFO : FCurve 0 has 3 keys selected

See Also

FCurve.GetKey FCurve.Keys FCurve.GetNumKeys FCurve.Selected XSIApplication.FCurveSelection SelectKeysInTimespan