



Stops recording bulk edits made to the fcurve and commits changes to the undo/redo stack. A call to EndEdit must follow a call to FCurve.BeginEdit.

Note: If you call EndEdit when there is no bulk edit in progress, the method raises an error. You can check if a bulk edit is in progress by using the FCurve.IsEditing method.

Scripting Syntax



JScript Example

        This JScript example illustrates how to use the editing recording feature
        of fcurves. This allows changes to be committed only after all edits have 
        been completed and undone if necessary.
// Create a null
Application.NewScene( null, false );
var nullobj = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull();
// Create an fcurve on the posx parameter from the null
var fc = nullobj.posx.AddFCurve();
// Define a random number of keys
var nbkeys = Math.round( Math.random() * 100 ) 
LogMessage( nbkeys );
var arraysize = nbkeys * 2;
var keys = new Array( 2 * nbkeys );
var i = 0, empty;
var offset = -50;
for ( i=0; i<arraysize; i+=2 )
        keys[i] = offset + i;
        keys[i+1] = ( Math.cos( (i + 1) / 10 ) * 50 );
// Set the keys on the fcurve
// Begin recording changes to fcurve
if ( fc.IsEditing() )
        LogMessage( "fcurve is recording changes" );
// Assign random values to keys
for ( i=0; i<fc.GetNumKeys(); i++ )
        // Assign a random value to keys
        fc.Keys(i).Value = ( Math.random() * 100 ) - 50;
// If the number of keys if greater than 50 then undo all the 
// changes you just made
nbkeys = fc.GetNumKeys();
if ( nbkeys> 50 )
        Application.LogMessage( "undoing changes" );
nbkeys = fc.GetNumKeys();
LogMessage( "total number of keys = " + nbkeys );
// End editing (not necessary to call if changes were undone)
if ( !fc.IsEditing() )
        LogMessage( "fcurve has finished recording changes" );
// Outputs:
//INFO : 87
//INFO : fcurve is recording changes
//INFO : undoing changes
//INFO : total number of keys = 87
//INFO : fcurve has finished recording changes

See Also

FCurve.BeginEdit FCurve.UndoEdit FCurve.IsEditing