Public Attributes
xsimrProfileCurveData Struct Reference

Detailed Description

A profile curve data sampled into linear segments.

This profile curve data represents a sampled profile curve from a shader's f-curve parameter. The curve is sampled to a tolerance of 1/1000 and so should provide enough data without showing any banding in the final render, if used as a ramp. The extrapolation type indicates how to evaluate the curve before and after the end points of the curve. See xsimrCurveExtrapolation for more information.

See also:

#include <xsi_miuserdata_defs.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

xsimrCurveExtrapolation  extrapolation_type
miInteger  n_points
miVector2d  points [1]

Member Data Documentation

Extrapolation method.

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