





Pops up a menu of shader presets to let the user select one, then instantiates this shader and connects it to the specified connection points of another shader through intermediate Mix 2 Colors shaders.

Note: The command fails if the selected shader cannot be connected to the connection points because of connection type mismatch or because shaders are already connected to it.

Scripting Syntax

UIApplyShaderToCnxPoints( [InputObj], [InputObjs], [X], [Y] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObj This parameter is NOT USED.
InputObjs String List of connection points

Default Value: Current Selection

X Long X screen coordinate of menu (from left of screen)

Default Value: 0

Y Long Y screen coordinate of menu (from top of screen)

Default Value: 0


VBScript Example

' This example demonstrates how to get the user to select a shader and use it to create
' a complex shader with intermediate Mix 2 Colors shaders
NewScene , false
' Get the default pass
Set oDefPass = GetValue( "Passes.Default_Pass" )
' Create a sphere and apply a default shader to instantiate a local material.
Set oSphere = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface" )
ApplyShader , oSphere
' The Render Tree shows a Phong shader connected to the sphere material.
OpenView "Render Tree"
SelectObj oSphere
' Pop up a menu of shader presets on top of the Top viewport
' and let the user interactively select one.
set l_CnxPoints = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )
l_CnxPoints.Add "sphere.material.surface.Phong.diffuse"
l_CnxPoints.Add "sphere.material.surface.Phong.specular"
UIApplyShaderToCnxPoints , l_CnxPoints, 300, 100
' The user-selected shader, automatically renamed Shader, is connected
' to the Phong shader Diffuse and Specular connection points through
' intermediate Mix 2 Colors shaders as can be seen in the Render Tree.
OpenView "Render Tree"
SelectObj oSphere

See Also

AddObjectsToShader RemoveObjectsFromShader ApplyShader RemoveShaderFromCnxPoint RemoveAllShadersFromCnxPoint SIConnectShaderToCnxPoint SIApplyShaderToCnxPoint