



edit property


Sets Parameter values and returns the old value (that is, the parameter value before it was changed). This command, like its counterpart GetValue, is a very powerful command because it can change the value of practically any parameter in the scene.

Each time the user changes a Property Page the resulting SetValue call is logged into the script history. By turning the script history contents into a simple script it is easy to automate repetitive tasks.

SetValue provides powerful wildcard support so it is possible to set many parameters with a single call. However, because calling SetValue is logged in the Script History, it is sometimes faster to use the object model to change values; see Parameter.Value.

For more information, see the documentation for the GetValue command.

Scripting Syntax

SetValue( Target, Value, [Time] );


Parameter Type Description
Target String List of parameters to set.

Default Value: Current selection.

Value Parameter-dependent New parameter values.
Time Integer Frame at which to set the values.

Default Value: Current frame.


VBScript Example

' The following uses SetValue to set various parameters 
' on some scene elements
' Create a sphere and change the wireframe color to red
' This demonstrates we can use SetValue for object properties.
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"
MakeLocal "sphere.display", siNodePropagation
SetValue "sphere.display.wirecol", 15
CreatePrim "Circle", "NurbsCurve"
CreatePrim "Circle", "NurbsCurve"
CreatePrim "Circle", "NurbsCurve"
CreatePrim "Circle", "NurbsCurve"
' Set the radius of all circles to 1
' This demonstrates we can use SetValue in a bulk-edit fashion.
SetValue "circle*.circle.radius", 1
' Set the radius of "circle" to 2, and the radius of "circle1" to 3
' This demonstrates we can use SetValue with an array of values.
SetValue ",", ARRAY(2, 3)
' Hide the grid in all views, for all cameras (except scene camera)
' This demonstrates we can use SetValue for cameras, views, etc.
SetValue "Views.*.*.camvis.gridvis", False 
' Change current frame to 30 
' This demonstrates we can use SetValue for playback settings
        SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 30.000

See Also

GetValue ToggleValue