



character rigging


Uses two guide objects to create a two-point slide setup. A two-point slide setup consists of 'Bind' object and two control objects, 'Top' and 'Base' that control the Bind object by a two point constraint. Optionally the orientation of the Bind object can be controlled with an upvector, and constrained to avoid an implicit volume object (bounding volume).

Scripting Syntax

oPointSlide = Make2PointSlide( [Prefix], GuidePoint1, GuidePoint2, Parent1, Parent2, [UpVector], [BoundingVolume] );

Return Value

Returns a PointSlide JScript object.


Parameter Type Description
Prefix String The name prefix for the newly created slide nulls.
GuidePoint1 String 3D Object, whose pose will be assumed by the first slide object.
GuidePoint2 String 3D Object, whose pose will be assumed by the second slide object.
Parent1 String The parent under which the first slide object will be placed.
Parent2 String The parent under which the second slide object will be placed.
UpVector String An upvector object to control the orientation of the Binding Point.
BoundingVolume String A bounding volume implicit to stay outside of when sliding.


JScript Example

        This example creates a two point slide where the bind null is bounding
        volume constrained and controlled by an upvector.
var Target1     = GetPrim("Null", "Target1", null);
var Target2     = GetPrim("Null", "Target2", null);
var Parent1     = GetPrim("Null", "Parent1", null);
var Parent2     = GetPrim("Null", "Parent2", null);
var UpVector    = GetPrim("Null", "UpV", null);
var BoundingVol = GetPrim("Sphere", "BoundingVol" , null);
// Position the guide objects
var lXfm = Target1.Kinematics.Global.Transform;
Target1.Kinematics.Global.Transform = lXfm;
Target2.Kinematics.Global.Transform = lXfm;
// upvector
UpVector.Kinematics.Global.Transform = lXfm;
var TwoPtSlide = Make2PointSlide("ABC",Target1,Target2,Parent1,Parent2,UpVector,BoundingVol);
logmessage ("Data in the returned two point slide object:");
logmessage ("-------------------------------------------");
logmessage ("Bind Null : " + TwoPtSlide.BindNull);
logmessage ("Top  Null : " + TwoPtSlide.TopNull);
logmessage ("Base Null : " + TwoPtSlide.BaseNull);
logmessage ("Constraint: " + TwoPtSlide.Constraint);
logmessage ("Hidden    : " + TwoPtSlide.Hidden);
logmessage ("Envelope  : " + TwoPtSlide.Envelope);
//results of running this script: 
//INFO : "Data in the returned two point slide object:"
//INFO : "-------------------------------------------"
//INFO : "Bind Null : ABCBind"
//INFO : "Top  Null : ABCTop"
//INFO : "Base Null : ABCBase"
//INFO : "Constraint: ABCBind.kine.2ptscns"
//INFO : "Hidden    : ABCTop,ABCBase"
//INFO : "Envelope  : ABCBind"

See Also
