





Exports a sequence of frames from the specified passes, or the current pass if none specified. The render archive can subsequently then be used by a standalone version of the rendering engine that exported it.

This command can optionally accept a start frame and an end frame to render to override the pass settings. If no start frame or end frame is provided the command uses the default settings from the pass (which can be either a sequence or a set of frames).

This command replaces the deprecated command ExportMI2File.

Scripting Syntax

ExportRenderArchive( [Passes], [StartFrame], [EndFrame], [StepFrame], [Verbose] );


Parameter Type Description
Passes String Passes to export

Default Value: Current pass

StartFrame Number Start frame for the export

Default Value: Pass Settings

EndFrame Number End frame for the export

Default Value: Pass Settings

StepFrame Number Frame step increment for the export

Default Value: Pass Settings

Verbose siRenderVerbosity Force progress report output on or off, or use values from the renderer's options

Default Value: siRenderVerbosityDefault


VBScript Example

'       This example creates a cone with some animation on it and then
'       uses the default pass to export out every other frame.
' Create a new scene with only 6 frames 
NewScene , false
SetValue "PlayControl.Out", 6
' Add a cone with some animation
Set oCone = CreatePrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
SaveKey oCone & ".kine.local.posx," _
        & oCone & ".kine.local.posy," _
        & oCone & ".kine.local.posz", _
SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 6
SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 6
Translate oCone, _
        6.94824213992454, _
        2.46082959410157, _
        -0.246082959410157, _
        siRelative, _
        siView, _
        siObj, _
SaveKey oCone & ".kine.local.posx," _
        & oCone & ".kine.local.posy," _
        & oCone & ".kine.local.posz", _
' Render the default pass from frame 1 to frame 6 with a step of 2
ExportRenderArchive "Passes.Default_Pass", 1, 6, 2

See Also

ExportRenderArchiveFrameSet ExportRenderArchiveAllPasses CreatePass GetCurrentPass SetCurrentPass DeleteCurrentPass