



edit animation


Duplicates objects and mirrors the resulting objects across a given plane.

This command ill fail where Duplicate fails.

At the moment, this works for chains and some simple geometry. Some issues still have to be resolved in order to apply it to any geometry (use at your own risk).

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = DuplicateSymmetry( InputObjs, [DuplicateConstraints], [ShareParent], [SymmetryPlaneA], [SymmetryPlaneB], [SymmetryPlaneC], [SymmetryPlaneD], [S3D_CMDARG_FREEZESCL] );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection object that contains the list of symmetric objects


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects to duplicate and mirror.

Default Value: Selected objects

DuplicateConstraints Boolean Duplicate the constraints on the objects?

Default Value: True

ShareParent Boolean Share the same parent

Default Value: False

Possible Values:


True Will parent the symmetric object under the same parent as the original (or the symmetric parent, if any)
False Will parent the symmetric object under the scene root.
SymmetryPlaneA Double (Symmetry plane equation) Ax +

Default Value: 0

SymmetryPlaneB Double (Symmetry plane equation) By +

Default Value: 0

SymmetryPlaneC Double (Symmetry plane equation) Cz =

Default Value: 1

SymmetryPlaneD Double (Symmetry plane equation) D

Default Value: 0

S3D_CMDARG_FREEZESCL Boolean Freezes negative scaling values created during the symmetry operation.

Default Value: True

Possible Values:


True Final scaling will be the absolute value of the original scaling. A center operator may appear in the construction history.
False Duplicated objects will have negative scaling.


VBScript Example

' This example creates a 3D chain, duplicates it
Create3DSkeleton -1.330, -5.732, 0.000, 2.050, -3.737, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000
AppendBone , 0.000, -4.556, -2.271, False
AppendBone , 1.219, -7.006, 0.000, False
SelectObj "root", "BRANCH"
set obj = DuplicateSymmetry(, True, False, 0, 1, 0, 0, True)

See Also
