



Creates an implicit primitive and converts it to a given geometry type. Contrary to implicit primitives, converted primitives have explicit geometry elements that can be manipulated, ex.: control points, edges, polygons...

Note: The implicit primitives must be compatible with the geometry types. For more information, see the $cdname X3DObject.AddGeometry@cdname method.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = CreatePrim( PresetObj, GeometryType, [Name], [Parent] );

Return Value

Returns the primitive object (usually an X3DObject object).


Parameter Type Description
PresetObj String or a preset object (see SIGetPreset) Geometry Primitives
GeometryType String Geometry type

Possible Values:


NurbsCurve Convert primitive to a Nurbs curve
NurbsSurface Convert primitive to a Nurbs surface
MeshSurface Convert primitive to a Mesh surface
PointCloud Convert primitive to a PointCloudGeometry
Name String Name of the new object.
Parent String Name of an existing object to use as the parent of the new primitive.


VBScript Example

'This example creates a new primitive
dim nurbssphere, meshsphere
'Create a nurbs sphere and name it aSphere. Assign to variable nurbssphere
set nurbssphere = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface", "aSphere" )
'Create a mesh sphere and name it bSphere. Assign to variable meshsphere.
'Make bSphere child of aSphere
set meshsphere = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface", "bSphere", "aSphere" )
'Logged information:
'INFO : "Sphere information: X3DObject polymsh"
logmessage "Sphere information: " & typename( meshsphere) & " " & meshsphere.type

See Also

GetPrim SIGetPrim