



Copies partitions to passes.

A PARTITION is a division of a pass and behaves like a group. Partitions are used to organize scene elements within a pass. There are only two types of partitions, object and light.

A render PASS creates a picture layer of a scene that can be composited with any other passes to create a complete image.

Scripting Syntax

CopyPartition( Target, InputObjs );


Parameter Type Description
Target String List of passes to which the partitions are copied.
InputObjs String List of partitions to copy.


VBScript Example

'       This example demonstrates how to copy partitions from  
'       one pass to two others.
' Create a new scene 
NewScene , false
' Create a cone and make a layer with it 
Set oCone = GetPrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
CreateLayer , "Wizard_Hat", , oHat
' Create a pass based on the new layer
CreatePassFromLayers "Wizard", oPass
' Add a new cone to the pass
Set oCone = GetPrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
SICreatePartition oPass, "Yummy", oCone, oConePart
' Add a new cube to the partition 
Set oCube = GetPrim( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
SICreatePartition oPass, "Icky", oCube, oCubePart
' Now create two new passes
CreatePass , "Uno", oPassUno
CreatePass , "Dos", oPassDos
' Copy the partitions from the first pass over to the new passes
CopyPartition oPassUno & "," & oPassDos, oConePart & "," & oCubePart

See Also

CreatePass SICreatePartition GetCurrentPass SetCurrentPass DeleteCurrentPass