



modeling drawing


Adds a point to the polygon being created and shares it with an existing point.

Scripting Syntax

oLong = ConnectNewPolygonToPoint( InputObj, PointID, [InsertPosition], [InvertPolygon] );

Return Value

Returns the ID of the polygon affected as a Long (-1 is returned if polygon has less than 3 points)


Parameter Type Description
InputObj String Mesh holding the polygon being built
PointID Integer ID of the target point to connect with

Possible Values:


0<=i index of the point in the mesh
InsertPosition Long Ordinal of the vertex where to insert that point in the polygon

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 The point is added at the end of the list
0 The point is inserted between vertices i-1 and i of the polygon
InvertPolygon Boolean true if the adjacent polygon(s) should be inverted before accomodating a CW-CCW connection

Default Value: false


VBScript Example

' Add a quad to a grid and connect one of its points to an existing point
dim obj, poly
set obj = CreatePrim( "Grid", "MeshSurface" )
SelectObj obj
ApplyOp "CreatePolygon", obj, siUnspecified
AddPointToNewPolygon obj, -6.088, 0.0, 0.864
AddPointToNewPolygon obj, -6.345, 0.0, 2.953
poly = ConnectNewPolygonToPoint( obj, 16, 0 )
SelectObj obj & ".poly[" & poly & "]"

See Also

ApplyOp AddPointToNewPolygon ConnectNewPolygonToEdge