The Softimage situtils module contains utility functions and other goodies such as the following shortcuts that facilitate Python scripting.
In the script editor, when the language is set to Python, the Syntax Help submenu allows you to insert the shortcuts found in the Softimage siutils module for use in the script editor.
from siutils import si # Application from siutils import sidesk # Desktop from siutils import sidict # Dictionary from siutils import sifact # XSIFactory from siutils import simath # XSIMath from siutils import siproj # ActiveProject2 from siutils import sisel # Selection from siutils import siuitk # XSIUIToolkit from siutils import siut # XSIUtils from siutils import log # LogMessage from siutils import disp # win32com.client.Dispatch from siutils import C # win32com.client.constants
import siutils # Add this plug-in path to python path siutils.add_to_syspath(__sipath__)
import siutils